New Jersey Stage Issue 47 | Page 92

Chorney, although extremely grateful to have Robin, says hav- ing her cousin “direct” her was challenging in scenes about her own life, because she lived it. She wanted everything to be authentic. If people were ass- holes, she wanted them to be seen as assholes. If they were good, she wanted them to look good. At times, they butted heads. “He deserves a medal for putting up with me,” she laughs. Chorney did have the opportunity to direct second unit locations and plans on di- recting in the future. Actor Maxwell Scott plays Chorney’s husband, Scott. Upon the actor’s arrival in Tucson, where much of the film was shot, they road together from the airport. Maxwell asked Scott for tips on how he should be portrayed, Scott offered the ad- vice, “Just be cool.” Watch the video for “Penguin Blues” by Linda Chorney NJ STAGE - ISSUE 47 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 92