New Jersey Stage Issue 47 | Page 90

casting, soundtrack, and co-ed- iting of the film. “But there is no way I could have done it without the amazing crew, who worked their asses off.” Chorney stars as herself in the film, but originally was hoping to get Sandra Bullock for the role. After repeated attempts to reach Bullock through her office, Chorney had begun to move on, when she found herself in Wyo- ming and a chance meeting San- dra’s father. “I had this gig at The Mangy Moose, and the owner put us up. Part of the movie talks about the way to survive in the music business...having a free place to crash,” explained Chorney. “If your overhead is more than you make on the gig, what’s the point? I actually do this for a liv- ing, so the challenge is keeping your costs down. “So we’ve just been in L.A., striking out on ‘Finding Sandra’, and the club owner invites us to his restaurant for drinks. He proceeds to introduced us to the Watch the video for Chorney’s cover of “Mother’s Little Helper” NJ STAGE - ISSUE 47 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 90