New Jersey Stage Issue 47 | Page 89

larger cast than most indie films. “There’s a huge array of charac- ters, because I met so many peo- ple on the crazy ride”, said Chor- ney. “It’s almost like The Big Fish in how he goes on that wild, unpredictable journey, but these are real people that I meet. You get to go on the adventure as if you were in my shoes.” Using her entrepreneurial skills, Chorney self-financed the film, along with local investors, and screenwriter, Robin U. Russin (a cousin by marriage) who also teaches screenwriting at Univer- sity of California Riverside. Russ- in believed in the story so much, that he took a semester off from teaching to direct the film, and received a grant from the univer- sity to cover editing costs. The screenplay was written by Chor- ney and Douglas A. Raine. Chor- ney also took on just about any other role she could wing. “I wore many hats because I didn’t have to pay myself,” said Chorney, who was involved in the writing, producing, starring, Watch Linda Chorney at TEDxGrandRapids NJ STAGE - ISSUE 47 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 89