New House Checklist - Feel at Home When Moving In | Page 16

their cars . If you plan on having food or refreshments , note it in the invite . Many people can assume that if you host a party during major dining times , e . g ., noon or 6 p . m ., you will be serving a meal while there . Also , housewarming parties are usually open house shindigs with people coming and going — an hour here or there — within your timeframe .
Also , if you prefer not to get gifts , note it in the invite . If you do not say anything , it is natural for people to suppose that you are accepting gifts .
Housewarmings are usually casual events . Plan for a couple of hours during the day since it ' s easiest for people to see your home .
When to Host the Party
If you ' re hosting your housewarming party , there is no need to wait until your home is in perfect shape or until everything is unpacked . Your friends and family will understand that it takes time to get settled . The best timeframe is for a time where you don ' t feel rushed , your home is not in complete disarray , and your friends and family are likely available . It would help to have some furniture for seating , too . Don ' t rush into it .
In terms of party etiquette , a " housewarming " is usually within six months of moving in . After a year , you ' re probably pushing it and should call it a house party . Of course , if extenuating circumstances circumvented your housewarming plans , like major renovations after moving in or other life situations , call your gathering whatever you want .
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