New House Checklist - Feel at Home When Moving In | Page 15

Most people don ’ t really give their doorknobs a second thought unless they are broken . That is a shame because changing your doorknobs is an easy way to add personality to your home .
Changing your old , boring doorknobs to new ones that are works of art will instantly brighten your home .
9 . Upgrade Your Tub or Shower
There is nothing like luxuriating in a whirlpool bath or steam shower to make the cares of the day melt away . Your family deserves a bit of luxury when they are in their bathroom .
Install a new shower or tub today to make your bathroom worthy of a place in your home . 10 . Fresh Cut Flowers
You can make any room in your house feel homier by placing a vase full of beautiful flowers in it . The gorgeous look and intoxicating aroma of fresh cut flowers will immediately brighten your day when you encounter them .
You don ’ t have to make all these changes at once . Try one or two a day though , and your house will feel like a home before you know it . The trick is to constantly keep adding these homey touches to make your home a place worthy of its name .
VI .
Throw a Memorable Housewarming Party
Moving into a new home or completing an extensive renovation is significant . Hosting a housewarming party is a great way to welcome your favorite people to see your new digs and fill your home with good vibes . It ' s time to break out the bubbly and celebrate . And , if you ' re new to the neighborhood , a housewarming can also be a way to meet your new neighbors . Sometimes , family , friends , or even neighbors might potentially throw you a surprise housewarming party .
You can expect that visitors want to tour your home . Offer some food and drinks and keep it simple . The same rules for hosting a party apply : introduce old friends to new ones , make everyone feel comfortable , and keep the conversation flowing . You might even consider a housewarming game . Read on for more tips for making your housewarming party memorable and fun for everyone .
Consider Invitations
If you are sending out paper or electronic invites , give good directions . If some guests do not have a car , spell out some public transportation options . Tell driving guests where to park