New House Checklist - Feel at Home When Moving In | Page 17

Tours of your new home are the main attraction , so prepare your space for showing .
You can allow guests to give self-guided tours . Label each room with its name , purpose , and interesting details you ' d like to show off .
If a room is off-limits like it ' s under construction or one big storage room , mark it " Please Do Not Enter ."
If you ' ve made extensive renovations to your home for fun , post a " before " picture outside each room . You could also post photos from when the rooms were under construction . People love to see the magical transformation .
A housewarming is one occasion where you are showing off your home . So , having a messy or clean house can leave a lasting impression . Clean or tidy up all of your rooms if you can . If you still have rooms with packed boxes , leave them as is . No one expects that all your moving boxes have to be unpacked .
If your home is historical or has some interesting stories you learned from the seller or realtor , give some of that background to your guests too .
Plan for Food
Offering food and refreshments is an excellent way to thank your guests for visiting your home . If it ' s summertime and you have a yard or outdoor patio , consider hosting a BBQ or outdoor party . Or , you can keep things indoors by offering casual finger foods . Serve different choices in each room . Then , as they discover your rooms , there will be edible surprises to keep them moving around .
If you have a small group , think about having a sit-down meal . If you like to cook , whip up a particular dish or cater in a few trays of food for an easier time . Keep in mind that people might have dietary restrictions , so having some vegan , vegetarian , dairy-free , nut-free , and gluten-free options might be a wise idea . You can also ask your guests to inform you of their food sensitivities so that you can be prepared in advance .
It ' s nice to offer your friends a selection of beverages . If you plan on having alcohol at the party , make sure you have non-alcoholic choices for people who choose not to drink . If friends bring wine or bottles of bubbly for your housewarming , it ' s at your discretion whether you open it that day or save it for a later time .
The term " housewarming " is believed to have started in the Middle Ages . Back then , guests would literally warm up a new home by bringing firewood as a gift .