One square mile is generally accepted as good average size for a newly forming neighborhood association . However , this is a guideline and should not be held as a requirement .
Become familiar with the elements that make up your neighborhood . Look around your neighborhood and talk to people . Determine the assets your community has , as well as needs that exist . Think about projects that will utilize these assets while addressing needs . Create a potential list of things you can do and an estimate of people who will be willing to help .
� Identify the “ assets ” of your neighborhood :
� What is the history of your area or neighborhood association ? Try to build on the successes of the past . Also try to focus on the strengths of your neighborhood as you define them .
� Who are the “ natural ” neighborhood leaders ? They are the people that usually know what is going on or have been in the neighborhood for many years . “ Natural ” leaders are outspoken , concerned , or articulate about neighborhood problems . Generally , this group will include clergy members , bankers , PTA members , business people or people who have never been in leadership positions yet are highly respected . Be sure to get their names , addresses and telephone numbers as a future resource .
� What institutions and business groups exist in your neighborhood ? What similar problems concern the businesses as well as residents of your area ? Businesses can provide a valuable resource when attempting to get a new organization up and running .
Neighborhood Organizational Handbook – Arlington , Texas 4