II .
NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP MEETINGS Organize small groups together around similar issues to discuss common concerns . Assemble a core group of people who will be the organizing committee . Also , talk about how to get other people involved . Once you have a small group , set a date to meet . This is the beginning of your neighborhood association .
� Hold an organizing committee meeting . Now that you have a core group together , plan for a first neighborhood-wide meeting . � Plan a strategy for getting people to attend this first meeting . Many types of publicity can draw residents , including flyers , volunteers going door to door , and newsletters . To be a successful neighborhood association , you must be open to all people and their concerns . Determine how to present the issues as this group sees them . � Discuss the need to organize a neighborhood group . � Talk about what your group hopes to accomplish .
� Plan the first meeting . The outline below may assist you in planning your first neighborhood-wide meeting . Encourage residents to take on tasks and make responsibilities clear to the person ( s ) responsible . At the end of your meeting , review who has been assigned each job . When you hold that first meeting , it is important that it be well organized and run smoothly . A well-run meeting is key to the beginning of a successful neighborhood association .
o Why do you need to organize a neighborhood association ? o
What are some of the common problems in your neighborhood that you think a neighborhood association can help solve ?
o If there is a major issue or a crisis , explain the situation to the attendees . o
What are the issues involved ? How might they affect the health or livability of your neighborhood ? What are some strategies your neighborhood can use to address the problem as identified ?
What other things do residents want the neighborhood association to accomplish ?
o Encourage active participation from all newcomers and seek out other opinions . o
Have something tangible to discuss . A project or issue will provide a focus from which to harness the attendees ’ energy and enthusiasm .
� Draft an Agenda . The most important aspect of running a meeting is having a solid , well planned agenda . An agenda is a listing of the topics and the order in which they are to be discussed by the group . Decide at the planning meeting who will draft and reproduce the agenda . Remember to collect the names and addresses of those in attendance . Set a date for your next meeting .
Your agenda should include the following items :
Neighborhood Organizational Handbook – Arlington , Texas 5