I .
The first step in getting involved in your neighborhood is to find out what is going on in your area . The City of Arlington is committed to fostering better informed and more organized neighborhoods . Active citizen participation in municipal government will help continue the City ’ s long-standing commitment to the highest quality of life possible .
If you are organizing a new area or resurrecting an existing neighborhood organization , try to apply the following suggestions :
� Establish a purpose : What do you want to accomplish by creating a Neighborhood Association ? What is important to you and your neighbors ?
� Talk to your neighbors . Talk to people about your concerns . Find people on your block , in churches , synagogues , at the schools , at shopping centers , and in stores . Most people would love an opportunity to talk about the issues they see in their neighborhood .
Ask them if they are interested in getting involved . What are some of the issues they see in the area that a new neighborhood association could address ?
� Consider conducting an assessment : A formal assessment of your neighborhood can help you decide what issues need attention . These assessments can be conducted or planned at your first meeting . Your group will want to decide whether a door-todoor survey or a more extensive process should be utilized . Some questions to be addressed in your assessment may include :
� Do neighbors know each other and communicate regularly ? � Are the streets and / or alleys littered ? Are they adequately lit ? � What transportation challenges exist , such as dangerous intersections , speeding traffic or heavily congested areas ? � Are there any abandoned structures or vacant lots in the area ? � What are the needs of the small business owners in your area ? � Is there an ongoing issue with land use or zoning ? � Often crisis discussions are the most common cause for organizing because a crisis presents a direct threat to the neighborhood . Utilize this potential response to get people involved quickly .
� Define your neighborhood boundaries . Where does your neighborhood end and adjacent areas of town begin ? What are the major streets , highways , parks , or railroads that define the boundaries of your neighborhood ? What are the boundaries of nearby neighborhood associations ? It is important to prevent overlapping boundaries when you define your area . The City of Arlington ’ s Office of Strategic Initiatives can assist you in this endeavor .
Neighborhood Organizational Handbook – Arlington , Texas 3