With fragile eyes , he finds sight .
Living life in a blur ! Ninety-six year old George was diagnosed legally blind and because of circumstances completely alone . Still in great health if only for his failed eyesight , he remains strong willed and not wanting to depend on anyone . George insists on maintaining his independence , wanting only for his final days to be spent in the warm embrace of his home and the memories that were created there .
A few extra minutes and a black marker , Senior Meal Delivery driver Phil makes special arrangements as he steps into George ’ s Elyria home on a dreary fall morning . With large strokes on the meals plastic packaging the words “ Pork ” and “ Chicken ” are clearly written by Phil . This large writing allows George to use his magnifying glass to see what is in each container , which is very helpful on Wednesday when each Senior Meal recipient gets an extra frozen meal .
All because of your love and support , Neighborhood Alliance provides senior citizens like George more than just a healthy meal . They are provided continued independence and a guardian angel to watch over them in the form of a hot meal and a passionate delivery driver .
Our Senior Enrichment Services provide home-delivered meals to homebound seniors throughout Lorain County and supportive services and engaging social programs to active elders .
Senior Enrichment Services for more information visit : www . MyNeighborhoodAlliance . com / senior