Neighborhood Alliance Annual Report Annual Report 2012 | Page 10

Independent and alone . New worth found .

“ If only someone made a light bulb that never had to be changed !” Delores , 82 , with weary eyes looks down at her hands . The thought of not having to worry about changing a light bulb in her home seems like a previous lifetime ago . Her husband now gone had taken care of these once routine household chores . Even being in his mid-80 ’ s , both he and Delores were very independent and maintained a slightly normal lifestyle until he took sick last year .
With only one child from their 60 year marriage , who now lives out of state , Delores found herself alone with no place to go and limited connection to the world outside her front door . Wanting more out of life Delores found the Neighborhood Alliance Senior Enrichment Services of Oberlin . Now because of you , Delores enjoys time spent with new friends , new hobbies and volunteers giving back to the organization that gave her new worth .