The Greeks
By : Annie Class , NJCL Parlimetatian
April 19
Whether through agora , theatre , law , or even studying world mythologies , you ’ ve heard many stories about the ancient Greek civilization . The truth is , however temporally separate we may be from the ancient Greeks , we owe a lot of our daily activities to their ingenuity . It might be hard to imagine , but the Greeks ran errands just like us . They worked out in gymnasiums just like us . They even practiced string instruments just like us . The lyre , one of the most famous instruments from the civilization , has particularly sparked my interest for its prevalent use among Greek citizens . Let ’ s figure out just how this instrument , which is still relevant today , shapes the cultural values of an entire people . First and foremost , when most classicists hear the word , “ lyre ,” they may think of Orpheus or Apollo . Although no modern mortal could ever match these mythical musicians , we don ’ t know if they were actually playing the lyre itself . They could ’ ve just as easily been using the earlier kithara or chelys .