NCT Newsletter | Page 53

How did you hear about the NCT? Originally while pregnant as NCT offer antenatal courses that are really helpful. I didn’t take one myself, but I know a lot of people who have and who really enjoyed and appreciated it. That got me on the side of the NCT, but it wasn’t until after my son was born that I was told by a friend about the Bumps and Babes group in York city centre. I’m not really much of a group mum, but I went along with my baby and made a wonderful group of friends. The group was (is, as it’s still going!) so laid back and comfortable, and everyone so welcoming and lovely with a wealth of differences and similarities that made it interesting too! I missed the group terribly once my son was crawling and couldn’t attend anymore, but I was sitting up at 3 in the morning one night, feeding him, browsing Facebook on my phone, and I happened upon an advert for the treasurer role in the York team. I jumped at it and got in touch, met with the Coordinator, and joined the team.

What would you like to see happen in the branch in the next year? I’d like to see our events portfolio increasing, which is something our Coordinator is working very hard on. And more volunteers would be good, too. We’re always working to improve, and so far are very successful at it, so of course, I’d also like to see further improvement, but that’s a given because of how “in to” our branch the team is.

What would you say to other people thinking about volunteering with the NCT? Go for it! If you’re considering a volunteer role and like working in a happy little team, give us a bell. We’re always looking for volunteers to help out in any way they can and you only have to offer what you can so there’s no stress, only friendships!