NCT Newsletter | Page 52

Who are you and what is

your role within the NCT?

Hi, I’m Amy and I’m the

York Branch Treasurer and

interim Secretary. My

official role is as Treasurer,

where I am responsible for

looking after the branch

finances, generating

reports, keeping the rest of

the team in the loop on

funds and fundraising needs and keeping our accounts up to date. It’s not as boring as it may sound, the branch does such a variety of things that there’s always something to be working on that isn’t necessarily accounting. We’re such a close knit branch that no role is ever separate from the others, it’s great. As Secretary I field and forward emails and liaise with central NCT on bookings for the antenatal courses as well as sending out agendas and compiling minutes for the meetings… when my almost 2 year old allows me to attend!

What do you like about volunteering with the NCT? I like the variety and the flexibility. But mostly I love the team we have – it’s so small and close knit that it never feels like we’re working for a big charity, we just help each other out and work towards our branch goals. It’s just lovely. And because it’s so flexible I can get everything I need to do done around the rest of life – childcare, work, housework etc. – with no stress.

feature article: meet a volunteer!

by amy