NCT Newsletter | Page 54

How much time do you give to volunteering with the NCT and how do you fit it around your lifestyle/schedule? It varies. Some weeks only a matter of minutes to keep our finances in check and make sure all is well with emails and such. Some weeks I spend quite a few hours on invoicing, returns and upkeep of financial information. All of that, though, is done from the comfort of my bed or sofa, and it’s the kind of work I enjoy, so it’s no burden even if it does take hours.

When there’s an event on, I try to help by being actively involved, too, although this doesn’t always work out because of work and kid. I tend to fit it around my schedule by working on the computer after my son goes to bed, which can sometimes

mean working

in to the early

hours, but I’m

an ex-bar

manager with a

kid who doesn’t

sleep for more

than 2 hours at

a time – still! –

so I don’t mind

late nights. And

I enjoy the work

and the team, so I’m happy to do it. Plus, there’s no expectation of an amount of time spent for the NCT, so there’s no stress involved if it’s 10 minutes or 10 hours.

To find out how you can volunteer with NCT York - see details on page 50.