NCT Newsletter | Page 34

We asked four York mums

what they really felt about

their bodies after they gave

birth. Here's what they had to say...

"In terms of how pregnancy/labour affected my image... I'm probably the wrong person to be asking....I hated being pregnant. Hated giving birth. And accepted the damage it did without emotion because my son was planned and I knew what would happen to my body as a result".

By Amy

"I had both our boys so close together so it felt like I was pregnant/nursing for 2-3 years running haha! My tummy is just horrible, but then I’ve never had a flat tum anyway! I’ve been different sizes over the years too, so I’ve never really stopped and worried about my body changing etc.. but I’ve got sooo much grey hair since being pregnant which bothers me wayyy more as it’s more visible than a flabby tummy haha! Generally some days I do feel like a very frumpy Mummy. Don’t know if that’s hormones, tiredness, or just general grumpiness! But all in all, I am very much in awe of what our bodies are capable of doing though"!

By Kathy

have your say!