NCT Newsletter | Page 35

"I gained a bit of weight before I fell pregnant and wasn't feeling awesome about my body. I enjoyed how I was when pregnant but struggled after the birth. I joined a postnatal buggy class run by my NCT friend and I've been doing it ever since. I feel amazing, not just fit but strong too which is important when you have a little one that likes to be carried. I was never really keen on exercise before but I am amazed at the body’s ability to change, adapt, and be molded. I still don't love working out but I appreciate my body/look/strength. Hoping to maintain it".

By Niki

"I have strong feelings about how pregnancy and having babies has made me see my body through the lens of capability and utility rather than an object of male gaze. It’s been so transformative for me. I have a strange affection now for my saggy left boob- the lopsided one I always hated- as it enables me to feed my daughter in the car seat, and was appalled at an article I read recently saying how nipples are mega out of fashion and people are having cosmetic surgery to remove them when they have never been more important to

me. I have found the whole experience of having children has grounded me in the reality of my body, forcing me to accept it for what it is, being grateful for what it can do. I have enjoyed some postnatal fitness, especially jogging, but have struggled with any classes that push an agenda of trying to get me back to a pre-pregnancy body; my life has changed and so has my body and I want to be encouraged to be OK with that. I think many women get into exercise around pregnancy in a very positive and empowering way as we are newly aware of our strength and phenomenal endurance. These are my thoughts".

By Becky