NCT Newsletter | Page 27

But, to keep me happy they called in the midwife who examined me and said ‘yep!!! You’re ready!!!! But there is no way we will get the birthing pool ready in time so do you mind popping out the bath?’ Well there wasn’t enough room to get comfortable in the bath so in between a sensation and with help from my husband I managed to get out of the bath and start pushing for real.

Afterwards the midwife said it may have been down to how relaxed I was with the hypnobirthing that helped me dilate so fast? But there I was pushing in the kneed position with my husband supporting me. Now did anyone notice – I have never mentioned my waters breaking? They never did! And I wish so much I got a picture of this but my baby was born perfectly still within in the waters – supposed to be a good sign? I managed to birth my little girl without pain relief apart from staying calm, deep breathing and water.

On the whole, I have to say I enjoyed the whole experience. If i was able to write more I’d tell you about the first shower. The first poop! The first feeds. I cant tell you about the first nappy changes as I slept through them and husband sorted that. All in all birthing

can be really special and

magical but I do think

getting as much information

to ensure you have a birth

type as an aim helps.

Of course at any point if

anything had gone wrong I

would have altered my plan.

But having a game plan

worked for us.