NCT Newsletter | Page 26

To keep things positive I thought I’d put something funny on telly – The Inbetweeners. In hindsight NOT a great choice for my dad but made me laugh. My mum was working but knowing that she would come round after work gave me something to aim for. She arrived just after 2 and by 3 I simply said to my husband I would like to go to hospital. I love this man. He had the number for Labour saved and ready and called them up. He got the bag AND car seat ready and I simply slipped in to the car. Still fully relaxed.

Upon arrival at the hospital he knew where to park and where I had to go. Now this is the only sad part-I had always said I didn’t want to lay on my back but during my first examination I was made to feel I had to. I wish I had stood my ground more as after the examination my baby’s heart beat dropped. I was sent to the high risk room on labour for monitoring where a poor student midwife had to hold the monitor on me for almost an hour! Thankfully all returned to normal and by that time I was 4 cm. This was a worrying time for my husband and I was so happy my mum was there to support him as we had a miscarriage with our first baby.

Now I haven’t mentioned but I had been doing hypnobirthing and had also planned for a water birth. This is why I refer to my contractions as sensations as it is a much more positive word. Once my little girls heart beat had picked up I was allowed in the bath tub for pain relief. I started the hypnobirthing CD and after lots of deep calm breathing, lots of back rubbing and also lots of reassurance, the pain started to get a little ‘wild’. It was about 60 mins and I just said to my husband – I need to push! Now I should mention my mum is an ex midwife and she laughed…No way would I be ready after just about 60 mins!