NCT Newsletter | Page 25

On the big day I explained to him I would be too busy what with the birth and all and didn’t want to ‘handle’ other problems. And I simply left it with him. If he didn’t find out about the parking in time I didn’t want to know about it. He would simply have to pay the parking fine! Or if he forgot the car seat – he better call a friend to bring it in! Once some of the bigger details like this were in his court I was able to focus on the big day. Well the 'big day' came and went … so my husband and I decided to take our mind off it and watch The Island (ok-ish movie) and about 1 am I felt a slight cramp in my back. But hay ho we have lots of aches and pains during pregnancy so thought nothing of it…I managed to sleep well that night but by the morning the cramping was getting a little stronger. But for me it was Saturday and I got dressed for park run and made a breakfast to fuel us for our 5k walk about York Race Course. Am glad I did that as it was all I really ate all day!

We were about to set off when

I got a real sensation and

realised this was it…park run

would have to wait! Back in the

house I was on the birthing ball

but decided that wasn’t enough.

Now I hope I don’t embarrass my

hubby here but I needed some

skin on skin to help relax. So we

ran a bath and spent about an hour

or so relaxing at home together

through the first sensations. When that wasn’t enough it was back to the birthing ball with the TENS machine. By now I had called my dad – who bless him was sat very quietly in the corner of the living room not sure what to do.