NCT Newsletter | Page 24

I'm not sharing this story to try

and show off but to simply say

how empowering and positive

I found it to be well informed

and relaxed about my labour.

I am that mythical creature

that has a positive labour story

but for me it started much

earlier than the day itself.

During my pregnancy I

attended as many birthing

groups, yoga classes and

antenatal workshops as I could.

I’m not sure if many ladies

know this but in the York area there are lots on offer and some may even be free or for a small donation. I even watched the York Teaching Hospital You Tube page which had some helpful tips. This was my first pregnancy and knowing what to expect made such a difference.

Some of the most powerful messages I took home was that I had a choice in what happened to me and baby. So I was able to set a birth plan which I talked through with my husband. I gave him jobs to solve as that is normally where men excel. For example – I said it was up to him to understand how the parking worked at York Hospital. It was up to him to ensure the car seat was in the car.

feature article: My birth story

by Geraldine Suhaya