NCT Newsletter | Page 17

I did pregnancy yoga with Tamsin too the first time around and then returned when pregnant with my second. Tamsin is lovely. Her classes are at Millers Yard and I made a few lovely friends through it. I found it really helped me both times to get moving and the breathing exercises etc helped loads especially at the birth! I remember thinking ‘GOLDEN THREAD, GOLDEN THREAD!!

Second time around my pregnancy was harder as I had a few scares at 34 weeks where I ended up in hospital as I started contracting so I was annoyed I wasn’t able to go to yoga the last few weeks of my pregnancy. But all in all I really enjoyed the yoga. I did go swimming when pregnant with Ludo too which was very mild exercises but not specifically for pregnancy but I only did that a few times as I was the only pregnant lady. By Kathy

I did yoga during both pregnancies. I did it for different reasons each time and got different things out of it. First time I wanted to meet people and learn the physical side of yoga. I found it hard to meet people at that group but got a lot out of it physically and Baby focus time. Saying that I could in first as wasn’t in as much pain etc. Second time I wanted it for mental reasons and me time. Due to this I chose a different group and got these things. Sometimes I felt too ill to go but made myself and always felt better for it. Re-engaging with the breathing and my body as well as tuning into Baby. By Hayley