NCT Newsletter | Page 16

We asked some York mums about their experiences of Yoga in pregnancy. Here's what they had to say:

Growing, birthing and then breastfeeding my first baby was a major turning point for me in a long battle with eating disorder. I was amazed and proud of what my body had done and was doing, and I started to see it in a whole new light. An incredible and powerful machine, not something to be fearful or ashamed of. There was still a long way to go to full recovery, but pregnancy and birth were huge factors. I did do antenatal yoga, but for me that was much more about mental birth preparation than fitness. By Annie

I made some of the best friends I currently have through my postnatal yoga class, it turned out to be an essential class for my mental as well as physical health. By Sonia

I did pregnancy and baby yoga with Tamsin Evans and loved it. Tamsin is so gentle and positive, it always made me feel much happier and calmer. I met three lovely friends through it who I adore. I felt pretty physically awful and exhausted throughout my two pregnancies, but I loved having a bump and I felt so proud that my body had made a baby. It felt quite amazing and a bit magical (even though it’s how we all get here!). By Catherine

I did a mummy and baby fitness class. It was great, but I'm not really a fitness person. I just did it to get out and do something.

By Amy

personal accounts: Yoga