NCT Newsletter | Page 15

I am incredibly inspired as a teacher by all the fantastic women that come to my Pregnancy Yoga classes, and I love all the stories, the connections. I like to hear news afterwards perhaps at my Mummy and Baby Yoga classes, of groups meeting up for meals and films and tea in the park. It warms me up inside to know that through these classes they have made some lovely connections and maybe some lifelong friendships.

I am full of gratitude that I have the honour to be a little part of this particular time in a woman's life. I love being around pregnant women; listening to their stories and passing on everything I can to help them have a positive birthing experience whatever kind of birth they choose to have.

Details of Tamsin's Yoga classes can be found here:

Pregnancy Yoga classes:

Mondays 4.30-5.30/6pm

Tuesdays 5-30-6-30/7pm

at Millers Yard, Gillygate,


Postnatal Mummy

& Baby Yoga classes:

Mondays 1.30-2.30pm

at St Luke's Church Hall,

Burton Stone Lane, York

To book;

Tel: 07748851063

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: Pregnancy/Postnatal Yoga, Tamsin Evans
