NCT Newsletter | Page 13

Quite often I hear people coming into the cafe area before class saying to each other "Oh I really need this today" and then in reply 'Yes so do I". The calmer you are in labour, the better you will be at coping with contractions. The breathing exercises we learn are specific for pregnancy and birth; they are a natural antidote to pain and tap in to that inner knowing, every woman has; that they are perfectly designed to give birth to their baby.

Positive resolve is another essential aspect of the birthing process and can really turn round all the fearful scenarios we make up in our mind's eye. We practice positive affirmation so when the fear kicks in - and it more than likely will at different stages of our pregnancy and birth - we have an amazing resource to fall back on. We can also use resolve to get us through some of the more complicated births, in fact, this is a time that they will come in very useful indeed.

In my Pregnancy Yoga classes, I teach you the techniques you will need to have a natural birth if you want one, but I also believe that the techniques we learn help so much with a caesarian section or any other type of birth my student ends up having or wants to have. Through pelvic floor exercises, which again are done in a way that is specific for pregnancy, we will help strengthen muscles for a natural birth but also they will be invaluable for a speedy recovery after a cesarean section.

Learning to make a little bit of sound can bring healing energy through the whole body. I'm sure your baby loves the sounds as well. It's also a great way to let go of our inhibitions about making a sound, we are all mostly going to want to or need to make sounds and to release this through a little gentle, relaxed breathing is amazing and feels so good.