7. Try a new sports activity with
Active Enfield who run sessions
across the borough. From trampo-
lining to horse riding, kids from
age 3 upwards can join in too.
10. Take the train into the big
smoke for a city adventure. Our
favourite things to do include,
splashing in the fountains at Kings
Cross’s Granary Square, climbing
the pirate ship at the Diana Me-
morial Playground in Kensington
8. Don your fairy wings or elf hand Gardens and visiting the Science
for the annual Away With The
Museum for the small child friend-
Fairies event, this year in Enfield ly interactive areas.
Town Park over the August Bank
Holiday. The event offers a range Sian Carlisle - visit my blog for
of magical workshops and activi- more local ideas -
ties. Suitable for both boys and
girls. www.enfieldfestivals.co.uk/
9. Talking of fairies, visit the new
fairy walk at Capel Manor Gar-
dens! There's plenty of other
things to do too including an ani-
mal area and maze. Little ones
will love running up and down
hills, exploring the woodland,
climbing the fallen tree stump and
digging in the dirt.
Email: enquiries@centrepiece
Mobile: 07967 094 186