Name Shonagh
Role Nearly New Sale coordinator, Chair and
regional area link
Mummy to Antony, Alexander and Nicholas
When my maternity leave started with Alexander I
found that I needed something ‘adult’ to do, as much as I loved and
doted on him, my brain didn’t feel like it was getting any exercise! A
huge bonus to volunteering was meeting loads of people in Enfield’s
community, it really helped me to fit into our larger community and
find a sense of place for myself and my boys.
My volunteering journey started off by writing an article for the NCT
Newsletter and meeting with Joanna, the then chair, who let me know
they were looking for a nearly new sales coordinator. The NNS sale
role is an amazing one—especially as you get first dibs on all the
amazing second-hand stuff, I did have to set myself spending limits!
After Nicholas was born, work allowed me to take a career break from
my job and when the chair position became vacant that became my
next role. For me, it was useful to challenge myself out of my comfort
zone, something probably not done since starting my job over 12
years ago. I did worry at times that I wasn’t doing something correctly
but always found that the rest of the team supported me with ideas
and encouragement. I have really enjoyed volunteering with NCT
and due to stopping work the volunteering roles will keep my CV cur-
Now I still help out in the branch but have also taken on a different
volunteer role supporting 4 branches in our local area. Volunteering
has been very stimulating and rewarding personally and would
recommend it to anyone.
Enfield NCT local branch is a chance for Enfield parents to shape the
services and support other parents can access and get in the
borough. I felt and feel passionate about making sure people do not
feel alone and can be the parent they want to be.