Nature-Based Solutions Manual for Kiawah Island Nature-Based Solutions Catalogue (R 1_2023) | Page 119

108 . Peet , R . K ., Wentworth , T . R ., & White , P . S . ( 1998 ). A flexible , multipurpose method for recording vegetation composition and structure . Castanea , 262-274 .
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110 . Purcell , A . D ., Khanal , P . N ., Straka , T . J ., & Willis , D . B . ( 2020 ). Valuing ecosystem services of coastal marshes and wetlands .
111 . Puzey , Dana ( October 9 , 2014 ). How to Maintain a Healthy Rain Garden . Blue Water Baltimore . Webpage . Retrieved from : https :// bluewaterbaltimore . org / blog / maintaining-rain-gardens /
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115 . Raposa , K ., Wasson , K ., Nelson , J ., Fountain , M ., West , J . M ., Endris , C ., & Woolfolk , A . ( 2020 ). Guidance for thin-layer sediment placement as a strategy to enhance tidal marsh resilience to sea-level rise . Published in collaboration with National Estuarine Research Reserve System Collaborative .
116 . Ray , G . L . ( 2007 ). Thin layer placement of dredged material on coastal wetlands : A review of the technical and scientific literature .
117 . Reimold , R . J ., M . A . Hardisky , and P . C . Adams ( 1978 ). The effects of smothering a ‘ Spartina alterniflora ’ salt marsh with dredged material . ACOE ( U . S . Army Corps of Engineers ), Vicksburg , MS .
118 . Roberts , Tobias ( 2020 ). How to Make Use of Rainwater at Home with a Cistern . Rise . August 28 , 2020 . Webpage . Retrieved from : https :// www . buildwithrise . com / stories / rainwater-cistern-tank
119 . Sample , D . J . ( May 23 , 2017 ). Floating Wetlands for Treatment of Urban and Agricultural Runoff in Virginia . Virginia Tech Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center . Webinar Presentation .
120 . Sandifer , P . A ., & Sutton‐Grier , A . E . ( 2014 ). Connecting stressors , ocean ecosystem services , and human health . In Natural Resources Forum ( Vol . 38 , No . 3 , pp . 157-167 ).
121 . Sandifer , P . A ., Sutton-Grier , A . E ., & Ward , B . P . ( 2015 ). Exploring connections among nature , biodiversity , ecosystem services , and human health and well-being : Opportunities to enhance health and biodiversity conservation . Ecosystem services , 12 , 1-15 .
122 . Sandifer , P . A ., Knapp , L . C ., Collier , T . K ., Jones , A . L ., Juster , R . P ., Kelble , C . R ., Kwok , R . K ., Miglarese , J . V ., Palinkas , L . A ., Porter , D . E . and Scott , G . I . ( 2017 ). A conceptual model to assess stress‐associated health effects of multiple ecosystem services degraded by disaster events in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere . GeoHealth , 1 ( 1 ), 17-36 .
123 . SCDNR ( 2019 ). Summary of Living Shoreline Research to Inform Regulatory Decision- Making in South Carolina . Charleston , SC : South Carolina Marine Resources Division . Technical Report No . 110 . 49 p .
124 . SCDNR ( 2019 ). Summary of Living Shoreline Research to Inform Regulatory Decision-Making in South Carolina . Charleston , SC : South Carolina Marine Resources Division . Technical Report No . 110 . 49 p .
125 . Schuerch , M ., Spencer , T ., Temmerman , S ., Kirwan , M . L ., Wolff , C ., Lincke , D ., ... & Brown , S . ( 2018 ). Future response of global coastal wetlands to sea-level rise . Nature , 561 ( 7722 ), 231-234 .
126 . Schuerch , M ., Spencer , T ., Temmerman , S ., Kirwan , M . L ., Wolff , C ., Lincke , D ., ... & Brown , S . ( 2018 ). Future response of global coastal wetlands to sea-level rise . Nature , 561 ( 7722 ), 231-234 .
127 . Shows , Hunter ( 2019 ). Living Shorelines as Alternative Methods of Shoreline Protection . Louisiana State University . Master ’ s Thesis .
128 . Skabelund , L ., and Brokesh , D ( 2013 ). A Designer ’ s Guide to Bio‐Retention Area Planning , Design , and Implementation . Kansas State University Department of Landscape Architecture / Regional & Community Planning .
129 . Spencer , T ., Schuerch , M ., Nicholls , R . J ., Hinkel , J ., Lincke , D ., Vafeidis , A . T ., & Brown , S . ( 2016 ). Global coastal wetland change under sea-level rise and related stresses : The DIVA Wetland Change Model . Global and Planetary Change , 139 , 15-30 .
130 . Sprouse III , C . E ., Hoover , C ., Obritsch , O ., & Thomazin , H . ( 2020 ). Advancing Pervious Pavements through Nomenclature , Standards , and Holistic Green Design . Sustainability , 12 ( 18 ), 7422 .
131 . Stewart , S . R . and Berg , R . ( 2018 ). Tropical Cyclone Report : Hurricane Florence . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , U . S ., Department of Commerce . Second version of TCR Report no . AL062018 .
FALL 2022