Nature-Based Solutions Manual for Kiawah Island Nature-Based Solutions Catalogue (R 1_2023) | Page 120

132 . Sussex County Conservation District ( no date ). Bioswale Maintenance Fact Sheet . Sussex County , Delaware .
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139 . Three Rivers Rain Garden Alliance ( no date ). Go Native ! Webpage . Retrieved from : http :// raingardenalliance . org / planting / plantlist
140 . Three Rivers Rain Garden Alliance ( no date ). Maintaining Your Rain Garden . Webpage . Retrieved from : http :// raingardenalliance . org / planting / maintenance
141 . Town of Kiawah Island ( 2020 ). 2020 Local Comprehensive Beach Management Plan . 142 . Tremco Roofing & Building Maintenance ( no date ). Blue Roof Technologies – An Old Design with a New Twist ?
143 . Tully , K . L ., Gedan , K ., Miller , J ., de la Reguera , E ., & Weissman , D . ( 2019 , December ). Ecosystems in transition : Effect of sea level rise and saltwater intrusion on coastal farms . In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts ( Vol . 2019 , pp . GC43A-09W ).
144 . U . S . Climate Resilience Toolkit ( 2021 ). Guidance for Thin-Layer Sediment Placement . Webpage . 145 . U . S . Department of Agriculture ( 2005 ). Rain Gardens . Natural Resources Conservation Service , USDA . Fact Sheet .
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147 . U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( 1999 ). Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet-Bioretention . Office of Water , EPA 832-F-99 , 12 .
148 . U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( no date ). Stormwater Management and Green Infrastructure Research . Website . 149 . U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( no date ). Urban Runoff : Low Impact Development . Retrieved from :
150 . U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( September 2016 ). Operation and Maintenance of Green Infrastructure Receiving Runoff from Roads and Parking Lots . Technical Memorandum .
151 . UGA Marine Extension ( 2004 ). Bioretention Fact Sheet . Georgia Sea Grant .
152 . University of Wisconsin - Madison Arboretum ( 2015 ). Rain Garden Maintenance . Earth Partnership for Schools , University of Wisconsin – Madison Arboretum , Earth Partnership for Schools .
153 . Van Giesen , E . and F . Carpenter ( 2009 ). Georgia rainwater harvesting guidelines . University of Georgia Extension .
154 . VanZomeren , C . M ., & Piercy , C . D . ( 2020 ). Thin Layer Placement of Sediments for Restoring Ecological Function to Submerging Salt Marshes : A Quantitative Review of Scientific Literature .
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159 . Walther , G . R ., Post , E ., Convey , P ., Menzel , A ., Parmesan , C ., Beebee , T . J ., Fromentin , J . M ., Hoegh-Guldberg , O . and Bairlein , F . ( 2002 ). Ecological responses to recent climate change . Nature , 416 ( 6879 ), 389-395 .
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