Nature-Based Solutions Manual for Kiawah Island Nature-Based Solutions Catalogue (R 1_2023) | Page 118

82 . Kummu , M ., De Moel , H ., Salvucci , G ., Viviroli , D ., Ward , P . J ., & Varis , O . ( 2016 ). Over the hills and further away from coast : global geospatial patterns of human and environment over the 20th – 21st centuries . Environmental Research Letters , 11 ( 3 ), 034010 .
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89 . McKinney , M . L . ( 2008 ). Effects of urbanization on species richness : a review of plants and animals . Urban ecosystems , 11 ( 2 ), 161-176 .
90 . Merritt , K . A ., Conder , J ., Kirtay , V ., Chadwick , D . B . and Magar , V . ( 2010 ), Review of thin-layer placement applications to enhance natural recovery of contaminated sediment . Integr Environ Assess Manag , 6 : 749-760 .
91 . Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ( 2005 ). Ecosystems and Human Well-being : Synthesis . Island Press , Washington , DC . 92 . Morganello , K . ( September 8 , 2015 ). Rainwater Harvesting Systems Guidance for Schoolyard Applications . Clemson Extension . 93 . Morganello , K . C ., and Scaroni , A . E ., eds . ( 2016 ). A Guide to Rain Gardens in South Carolina . Clemson Extension . 94 . Moslow , T . F ., ( 1980 ). Stratigraphy of mesotidal barrier islands . University of South Carolina .
95 . Moulton II , D . ( 2021 ). Modeling Groundwater Characteristics and Conditions of Kiawah Island . Master Thesis , College of Charleston .
96 . Mtoni , Y ., Mjemah , I . C ., Bakundukize , C ., Van Camp , M ., Martens , K ., & Walraevens , K . ( 2013 ). Saltwater intrusion and nitrate pollution in the coastal aquifer of Dar es Salaam , Tanzania . Environmental earth sciences , 70 ( 3 ), 1091-1111 .
97 . Myszewski , M ., & Alber , M . Use of Thin Layer Placement of Dredged Material for Salt Marsh Restoration . From Georgia Coastal Research Council , 2017 .
98 . National Ocean Service ( no date ). What is a perigean spring tide ?. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , U . S ., Department of Commerce . Webpage . Retrieved from : https :// oceanservice . noaa . gov / facts / perigean-spring-tide . html
99 . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( no date ). Sea Level Trends Charleston , South Carolina ( 8665530 ). Accessed March 30 , 2022 .
100 . National Ready Mixed Concrete Association ( 2015 ). Pervious Concrete Pavement Maintenance and Operations Guide .
101 . National Weather Service ( 2016 ). Hurricane Matthew – October 8-9 , 2016 Summary . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , U . S ., Department of Commerce . Webpage . Retrieved from : https :// www . weather . gov / mhx / MatthewSummary
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105 . Newton , A . E ., Garrett , N ., Stroika , S . G ., Halpin , J . L ., Turnsek , M ., & Mody , R . K . ( 2014 ). Increase in Vibrio parahaemolyticus infections associated with consumption of Atlantic Coast shellfish--2013 . MMWR . Morbidity and mortality weekly report , 63 ( 15 ), 335-336 .
106 . Oliver , T . H ., Heard , M . S ., Isaac , N . J ., Roy , D . B ., et alii ( 2015 ). Biodiversity and resilience of ecosystem functions . Trends in ecology & evolution , 30 ( 11 ), 673-684 .
107 . Parmesan , C . ( 2006 ). Ecological and evolutionary responses to recent climate change . Annu . Rev . Ecol . Evol . Syst ., 37 , 637-669 .