Natural Cures Do You Suffer From The Common Cold, Hair Loss, Erectile Natural Cures | Page 4
Eliminating foods that cause mucus should be a priority for any allergy suffers. Eliminate
the following from your diet:
Dairy products
Fried and processed foods
Refined flours
Researchers have found if you cook using a gas stove, you are twice as likely to
develop breathing problems, like wheezing and shortness of breath associated
with asthma.
Alzheimer’s Disease
If you want to prevent Alzheimer’s, keep yourself active and learning. Avoid sources of
aluminum and mercury. Read the labels on antacids, buffered aspirin, deodorants, diarrhea
medications, and douches.
A few General Recommendations for Alzheimer’s are:
Bach flower remedies
General stress-Reduction Therapies
Regular Exercise – a daily walk…
Stress reduction
Wheat Germ
A poor diet, especially one that’s high in fat and low in nutrients, can cause a loss of
memory, as well as abuse of alcohol or street drugs, inactivity, both physical and
mental, medications, heavy-metal poisoning, and more.
Drastically reduce your intake of foods that are high in Cholesterol or saturated fat, they
impede blood flow. Avoid sugar and processed foods and stay away from alcohol. Alcohol
destroys brain cells.