Natura May - June 2012 | Page 33

masalar, silmeler, Ayasofya’da olduğu gibi cennet kapıları bile... Biblolar, vazolar, küllükler, çiçeklikler... Yapılmış da yapılmış…Hamam mermersiz düşünülebilir mi? Mezar da öyle... İskender’in diye bilinen lahdi düşünün ya da bir Osmanlı mezarını... Şadırvanlar, çeşmeler, havuzlar... Ne zamandan beri kullanılıyor mermer? Anadolu’da insanların yaptıkları ilk el baltaları mermerden... Bulunabilmiş kanıtlara göre Anadolu’da mermerin işlenmeğe başlanması M.Ö. 6000 yıllarına dek iniyor. Çatalhöyük (VIA) katmanında bulunan “İki Tanrıça” M.Ö. 6000 yıllarından... Daha sonra Beyce Sultan’da bulunan Kadın İdol’ü, küçük heykelcikler, ak mermerden av kuşu, diz çökmüş tanrıça, M.Ö. 1900 yıllarından Asur tecim yerleşimi (koloni) döneminden Kültepe’de bulunmuş su mermerinden yapılmış idoller de o dönemden... Benim yaptıklarım Ben de seviyorum mermeri, hele bir de suyla birlikte olunca... Bu nedenle kuşkusuz, onu yalnız duvarda, yerde, balkonda kullanmadım. Geleneğin de yol göstermesiyle değişik arayışlarım da oldu…Yaptıklarımda sevgiyi bulmanız beni en çok sevindirecek. Sophia. Moreover everyday objects, vases, ashtrays and many other things are made of marble. Can one imagine a Turkish hamam without marble? Gravestones are also made of marble, Ottoman graveyard, fountains, pools are all made of marble. Where is it extracted? Marble exists in almost every part of Turkey but the most popular places, known by their rich marble reserves, are in the western parts of Turkey. In ancient times about 2000 B.C., marble quarries existed in many places in Anatolia such as Afyon, Marmara Island, Bandırma, Balıkesir, Ayaş, Mugla, Yalova, Akhisar, Manisa. One can list many places in Anatolia where marble is abundant. However, 90 of marble exists from Afyon to Marmara Island. At present, it is known that there are more than three hundred different kinds of marble in Turkey How long has marble been used in Anatolia? Axes made by the first man in Anatolia are made of marble. It is said that the use of marble in Anatolia goes back to 6000 B.C. The “Two Goddess” found at Çatalhoyük are from 6000 B.C. ... Then the female idol figures, small statues and the other objects found at Beyce Sultan are from 1900 B.C. There are marble quarries which have been operated since 2000 B.C. We know very well that Marmara marbles were used by Greeks. My efforts I also love marble, I love it more if it is combined with water. Therefore, I have doubtless used marble not only on the floor, wall and counters but also I searched for alternative places of use. This was mainly due to my preferences for tradition. I would be happy if you notice my affection for marble in my work. What I have imagined so far was mostly carved by many different skillful artisans such as Mustafa and Osman from Ankara, Ali Kavrem and Dursun from Istanbul. They all cut and carved marble. I am thankful to all of them but the master stonemason Veli did the most of the work. I really appreciate all the work they have done and I am sure they will be remembered with respect and appreciation for ever. MAYIS-HAZİRAN / MAY-JUNE 2012 • NATURA 33