NATAL NOMADS Golf Club Monthly issue Monthly Newsletter Amanzimtoti 22 March 2018 | Page 4

20. GENERAL It has been a great privilege to have been elected Natal Captain this year. I had the privilege of representing Natal at the Zimbabwe Nationals and Botswana. Both tournaments were extremely well run, thanks to the great efforts of their organising committees. I also had the privilege of playing with the South African team in the Australian Nationals at Kooindah Waters Golf Resort, 130 km north of Sydney. It was great to meet, rekindle old friendships and make new friends for the future. KwaZulu Natal is in a reasonably healthy position, which we all aim to maintain. We are continually inducting new members, but this year’s loss of members has been greater than the number of inductees especially at the beginning of the year when fees and subscriptions are due. The committee has started discussing various options of how to attract new members. It has been a very memorable year, which has only been made possible through the timeless efforts of my committee who have been very supportive and ensured a unified focus on the tasks that were presented and resolved during the year. I wish Greg Graham, our new incoming Captain, all the best for his year, with Tom Barff as his incoming Vice Captain and of course his committee as backup, I am sure it will be a memorable year for Greg. Chop of the Month - JVC Tom " 9 holes" Barff LOCAL SPONSORS: HERITAGE MOTORS RICHARD & SHAUN BARKER SICA’S GUEST HOUSE JANUS HORN To my old committee and fellow Nomads, thank you for supporting me during my year as captaincy. FIRST GROUP TONY & JOHN RIDL I hope being in charge of the Gary Player knockout trophy this coming year will be as enjoyable as Captain. REID REATZER ROBSON’S INSURANCE ALAN TENNANT & KEITH FORDE Gavin Brown Captain KZN Natal Nomads MOUNT VERNON WINES JOHN HOOPER BODY 20 SHENADE HUME HOUSING TONY BOLT GAVIN BROWN & Associates GAVIN BROWN FRED STOPFORTH THE GOLFERS CLUB GRANT POPPESQOU GOODERSON LEISURE GROUP ALAN GOODERSON THE MEANDER INN JOHN ROSS Hard hat Brigade: Capt Gavin, JVC Tom Barff, PC Janus Horn, Garth Enslin and Richard Barker. HDI Incorporated NEVIN DAVIDSON STANLEY'S REMOVALS GEOFF HENEBREY MOUNT 4 EDGECOMBE GOLF Page of 16 ACADEMY MARTIN SMIT