My portfolio teaching practice 2 training | Page 17
memory is aided if the learner can be encouraged to make as many cues
or memory triggers as possible when committing the vocabulary item to
memory. These cues can take the form of:
A visual reminder such as a picture or diagram. (the use of the colour can
be very effective.)
The sound and rhythm of the word.
The inclusion of the item in a sentence which is bizarre and or personal.
A translation of the item in the student’s first language.
What makes a vocabulary item easy or difficult?
The difficulty of a vocabulary item often depends on how similar the item
is in form and meaning to students’ first language.
What aspects of a vocabulary item should the teacher consider?
The form
The meaning
The use
Conveying meaning and checking understanding
You should asking Do you understand?
What elements go to make up pronunciation?
The various elements that go to make up pronunciation can be looked at
under the following headings:
Individual sounds
Word stress,
Sounds is connected speech.
Rhythm and stress in utterances,
When should you focus on pronunciation?
Wherever possible pronunciation work should be integrated into lessons
in which the main focus is the presentation or practice of a grammar point,
a function or a set of vocabulary items. Lessons practicing the skills of
listening and speaking are also excellent vehicles for pronunciation work.
Authentic listening texts provide opportunities to acquire pronunciation