My portfolio teaching practice 2 training | Page 16
6 Presenting and practicing language
Structures: Grammar ad functions
The people learn languages in different ways, it seems that many people
can learn a language more easily if they can perceive regularities or
patterns. Language can not only be seen in terms of grammatical form;
it can also be seen in terms of what it does or its function in
communication often, one language item can be used to perform more
than one function in communication: for example, can for both requesting
example; Can you pass the salt? and expressing ability: Can you swim?
Many coursebooks aim to have an integrated syllabus one which combines
certain grammatical structures with the functions thought most useful for
students at a particular level.
What aspects of a structure should you consider?
The form
The meaning
The use
Potential problems
How do you decide what approach to take?
Can depend on a number of factors e group like their level, age, the
attitude of the group. Particularly children are not interested in talking
about the language and using such labels as gerund or demonstrative
What approaches can be used to present or revise language structures?
Visual/oral contexts
Pictures, mime and realia can be used to illustrate the meaning and to
establish a context in which the target structure is set.
The importance of vocabulary
Vocabulary is important to students it is more important than grammar
for communication purposes.
Acquisition vs. learning of vocabulary
The students can consciously learn as opposed to acquire vocabulary.
Words are generally easier to remember if the meaning is well
understood, so a clear presentation by the teacher can be helpful. Also,