My job-shadowing journal at Wien, Austria Austrian journal | Page 22

Global Education and European Teaching Strategies 2018-1-ES01-KA101-049441 Students can still choose either four or three written exams (maths, German and one foreign language are compulsory; one additional language can also be chosen). When students choose three written exams, they will have to do another three oral exams. When choosing four written exams, only two additional oral exams are necessary. What is also new is that every student now has to write a graduation paper called VWA (Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit or, literally translated, "Pre-scientific paper"). They can choose any topic they want, usually one year before graduating. When they have finished writing it (it should usually be 30.000 to 40.000 characters long), they have to present it to teachers and to the head (Vorsitzende(r)). The VWA is another grade in the Maturazeugnis.This is similar to the compulsory research project Catalan students do in Batxillerat. The Austrian "Matura" used to be a decentralized affair, however since 2014 tests in the subjects: German and Mathematics, as well as a foreign language, are now centralized and held on the same day throughout Austria. It was a real surprise to find out that there is only one external examiner and candidates are set tasks both for their written and oral finals by their own (former) teachers. Formally, however, there is an examination board consisting of a candidate's teachers/examiners, the headmaster/headmistress and one external Vorsitzende(r) (head), usually a high-ranking school official or the head of another school. Oral exams are held publicly, but attendance by anyone other than a candidate's former schoolmates is not encouraged, and indeed rare. It is possible for Austrians of all age groups to take the Matura. Adults from their twenties on are usually tutored at private institutions of adult education before taking their final tests, held separately before a regional examination board. Holocaust module We had the opportunity to talk to the pupils taking up this subject and hear their reflections on the activities carried out. Their English was impeccable and showed great maturity and critical thinking when commenting on Austria participation in the Second World War. They were completely aware of the importance of knowing the facts so that they would not be repeated in the future. Talking to Ms. Lucchi and Mr. Redl at the staff room