My job-shadowing journal at Wien, Austria Austrian journal | Page 21

Global Education and European Teaching Strategies 2018-1-ES01-KA101-049441 c. Field excursions Every year they plan one-week field excursions for the different forms: Sports in winter and summer, language courses in Ireland and the visit to Auswitz. d. Job training 4th year students spend four days in February working for the community. As they are responsible for finding the job and company to do this placement, there are some lessons planned to help them with the CV and ways to get in touch with the organisations or companies. The local corporate association companies pays for their insurance. e. Matura (A-levels/ Selectivitat) The system was quite confusing for us at the beginning and the coordinators helped us to get the gist of it. The official term for Matura in Austria is Reifeprüfung. The document received after the successful completion of the written and oral exams is called Maturazeugnis. In the Gymnasium (AHS), which, as opposed to vocational schools, focuses on general education, the Matura consists of 3–4 written exams (referred to as Klausurarbeiten, four to five hours each) to be taken on consecutive mornings (usually in May) and three to four oral exams to be taken on the same half-day about a month later (usually in June). All examinations are held at the school which the candidate last attended. Candidates have the option to write a scholarly paper (called Fachbereichsarbeit) to be submitted at the beginning of the February preceding the final exams, which, if accepted, reduces the number of written exams by one, as the Fachbereichsarbeit is seen as an equivalent to a subject. This paper also needs to be defended in the corresponding oral exam. Compulsory subjects for the written finals are always German and Mathematics, as well as a foreign language (usually English, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin or sometimes Ancient Greek). Schools with a focus on science may require their students to take written finals in Biology or Physics. Due to the fact that all students should take the Maths exam, they are struggling to improve the overall results.