My first Publication yearbook 2 | Page 52

I SK has grown immensely over the years from inception to date. Am sure that ISK will surmount the imminent future challenges of evolving real estate disciplines, technological innovations in real estate, continually discerning users of real estate and emerging associations of the new disciplines coupled with ever changing legislative demands. CHAIRMAN COLLINS KOWUOR Tenure: 26TH MARCH 2010 – 28TH MARCH 2014 T his challenge of rogue agents in the surveying space still exists and ISK is in a position to change the script and determine its own future. The institution should also seek to discipline its members, celebrate those who uphold ethics and shun those who break them. That way, we will be in a trajectory of growth and prosperity. CHAIRMAN PAUL WAMBUA Tenure: 28TH MARCH 2014 – 15TH APRIL 2016 T he ISK council needs to continue lobbying for various legislations through parliament that would give the institution more power in enhancing professionalism among its members. The institution also needs to come up with ambassadors amongst its members in all the 47 counties. This will assist us serve our membership better CHAIRMAN STEPHEN AMBANI Tenure: 15TH APRIL 2016 – 13TH APRIL 2018 3 - Pioneer survey students - 1965 52