By Daniel Mugambi
There is a big difference between ISK then and now. In terms of membership growth, we have grown from
the founding 44 to over 3,500 members currently. Additionally, ISK now has 11 permanent staff, unlike the
yesteryears where there was only one staff available to serve the members.
In the early years, admission to full membership of ISK was by attending an oral exam. However, from the
early 1990s, professionally written exams were introduced and progressively, they have been formalized,
regulated and enhanced.
Over the past 50 years years, the profile of ISK and that of the surveying profession has also risen due
to intensive advocacy. This has seen ISK play key roles in the formulation of land laws in Kenya and hold
international conferences in partnership with the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).
My proudest moment was when we championed and came up with National Land Policy, which was
informed by the National Land Policy Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009.
The above achievements, 50 years on, means future for ISK is bright but the institution needs to reinvent
itself and take its rightful position in having issues of land streamlined by offering guidance to the
National and County Governments in order to serve our citizens better.
Daniel Mugambi joined the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) in 1990 and has been working there to
date, making him the oldest serving employee of the institution.