have been an ISK member since 1989 hence stand at a great
position to look back at where we have come from and also project
how the future will be. I believe that ISK’s future is bright because
in the earlier days, it was not recognized and the impact was not
being felt.
Today, the government recognizes us as key players in land
management and policy formulation space. This has seen many of
our members go ahead to hold various prestigious positions in our
country. We therefore need to borrow from the things we have done
right and forge ahead in creating the future that we envisage.
Tenure: 13TH OCTOBER 2006 – 28TH FEBRUARY 2007
SK has a bright opportunity and central role to play in Kenya’s
development and society as a whole. ISK’s mandate in land
management is at the centre of key issues in the nation such as
economic growth and development, climate change, food security
and urbanization. The surveying proffesion is central in ensuring all
these resources are used in a sustainable and effecient manner that
is securing the future of the generations to come while addressing
the present. ISK needs to clearly focus on issues affecting the people
today as we project for the near future.
Term: 28TH FEB 2007 – 26TH MARCH 2010
ISK managed to contibute to the delivery of chapter 5 of the constitution, the national land policy of 2009,
championing of roles in developement of infrustucture of various boards and campaigning of a PS in
lands who was a land surveyor - Hon Kombo Mweru during my tenure. ISK also gave leadership during
the drafting of the constitution to protect the National Land commission (NLC), this has shown the role of
surveyors in development.
It is also commendable to note that ISK members have taken up various key positions in the government
and national assembly such as Musalia Mudavadi, Jeremiah Kioni and many others.
ISK has done tremendously well to deliver policy and laws that has contributed to Nation building.