My first Publication My first Publication Volume 2(clone) | Page 6

7. Orthosiphon stamineus (Cat’s Whiskers) is commonly used to treat renal inflammation, kidney stones, and dysuria. It contains antioxidant compounds like rosmarinic acid, beta-sitosterol, ursolic acid, glycolic acid, methylripariochromene A, bioflavonoids, and oleanolic acid. Methylripariochromene A present in the herb could decrease systolic blood pressure. Rosmarinic acid and methylated flavonoids are found in large amounts in this herb. Rosmarinic acid is a general antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. Methylated flavonoids have properties that combat cancer, oxidant stress, pathogenic bacteria, inflammations, cardio-vascular dysfunctions, and other diseases.

8. Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roselle) is rich in vitamins, minerals, and bioactive polyphenolic compounds such as flavonols and anthocyanins (natural red pigments) which are supported by scientific studies to have impressive antioxidant properties, effective in reducing blood pressure and aid in blood glucose control. Protocatechuic acid present in Roselle was also found to have antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant and antitumor activity. It also contains hibiscus acid that has appetite suppressing effects and thus supports weight loss.

Research suggests that consumption of Roselle calyx extracts may help prevent and treat hypertension, diabetes, obesity, inflammation, cancer, and other diseases.