Marisol’s project was to try to promote donations for the food pantry and the Cross Roads West Side location. The donations could come from the school, and every donation would be given to the pantry. Marisol’s goal was to involve the school and try to get different classes to donate to the pantry. What she most hoped would be donated was non-perishables, canned food, etc. Anything that most people could not afford, she was hoping to receive. For example, cup of noodles would not be the best donation, because that is one thing that homeless can come close to affording, what they need is food that is more difficult for them to get, and more nutritional. In class, her project was to make posters to put all over the school, to spread awareness. Then she also had buckets that were put in different areas of the school which is where the donations would be collected. This is a good idea, for a beneficial cause. Unfortunately, there were not as many donations as she would have liked. She decided to take some part into her hands and buy some of what she knew they would need, and donated it out of her pocket.
That shows the concern and passion she did have for this project to try to fight hunger. She would stop by the pantry a few times, each with a little more donation to add to what they could give, she believes that every donation was helpful, no matter how little, or how big. The project may have no turned out as successful as she wanted, but the thought is what matters. The fact that she took it into her hands personally and tried to donate what was not given to be able to give back more should be the intentions of every person who is doing volunteer work. The point is to help others, not just to say “I tried” but instead be able to say “I did.”
By, Jennifer Knott