My first Publication B 7/8 Service Learning Reoprt | Page 21

Sport Camp

"Competitive sports and leagues have become overwhelming as far as expenses." - Michael Grant

Mekelee Gautavai and Michael Grant from East High School in Salt Lake City, Utah teamed up in order to make a free basketball camp for kids who don't get the opportunity to play due to the high cost of playing such sports. Many of the sport organizations demand a high fee due to the equipment and to keep staff well acquainted for. But do they really need to demand such high prices? All children no matter religion, gender, or ethnicity should all be given the chance to at least play a sport. Children nowadays across the nation are faced upon the challenge of being able to play a sport or not. Many of these low income families in the united states are getting driven away from such sports and organizations due to the high cost of participating in sports.

Mekelee and Michael went to a local church and asked them to help donate their gym time to Michael's uncle, Josh Grant who played professional basketball, teach young kids how to play basketball. They had about 20 kids in total show up. Mekelee and Michael will continue to promote free sports camps until the cost for sports will hopefully decline. But for now they will strive towards affordable athletics and hope for others to do the same.

By: Michael Ngo

Mekelee Gautavai