My first Publication B 7/8 Service Learning Reoprt | Page 19

Amanda Sanders

My service project was sparking mentoring relationships between the older women and youth in my neighborhood. This project was beneficial to the community because the girls were part of conversations that would not have taken place if the project had not occurred. There were even babysitting numbers exchanged, lasting relationships were formed.

Jennifer Knott

My service project was to recruit future mentors for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. I worked with my twin sister, Julia in this project. We wanted to involve the community in building positive relationships. Children need someone to look up to, so they follow the right path. In this program, mentors become a role model and a friend to children. They are there to give them advice, teach them new things, and help them emotionally. This program is a commitment and it benefits both the mentor and the child as they progress together.

Brooklyn Franco

For my service project I hung up fliers in neighborhoods surrounding East. The fliers were for the Outdoor Education program. They needed new equipment because the equipment they had was loved to death and was no longer usable. I learned more about the outdoors and what it takes to go on backpacking trips. I hope to continue to raise awareness about nature and the importance of outdoor education.

KJ Parke

For my service project I decided to organize a game drive for the Ronald McDonald house. I wanted to donate the games so the families staying there can have fun with their sick children. It’s a really cool thought to think that I can have such a big impact on people by doing something so little.

Jessica Petersen

For my service project I chose to do a stuffed animal drive for The Children's Center. I raised awareness for the drive by putting up some posters around the school with the help of my class. This service has helped me realize how easy kids involved with service can be. I was able to work alot with my siblings for this project. Through this experience I was inspired to continue to do more service with my siblings.