My first Publication B 7/8 Service Learning Reoprt | Page 17

Ryann Denison and Jam Boyden

Our service project was a jean drive to make shoes for children in Uganda to protect them from Jiggers. Jiggers are tiny fleas that burry themselves in the soft tissue- typically feet. When people don’t wear shoes it allows the jiggers to bury themselves and lay eggs in the skin. Jiggers are extremely painful and are contagious and so if infected they are unable to get a job. Jiggers effect people health as well as the economy. With our project and the help of soul hope jeans are transformed into shoes that prevent jiggers and help the people of Uganda.

Michael Grant and Mekelee Guatavai

For our service project we wanted to give kids in lower class families a chance to participate in sports. Nowadays sports are becoming more and more expensive which lots of families cannot afford. This has led to a large decrease in sport participation. Mekelee and I teamed up and decided to host a camp like event where kids came to get better at basketball for free. It felt good giving back to the community for those who usually couldn’t afford something like this.

Josh Hartvigsen

My service project was to donate time helping with hunger in the community. The plan initially was to take the class to the food bank, but it changed to helping Kris Barta when the food bank was fully scheduled. Doing this project opened my eyes to the wide breadth of hunger and it's challenges. I hope that others also became more aware of hunger. The service we did benefitted those at East who use the Leopard Boutique and Stash.

Marisol Lopez-Ramirez

My service project was about food hunger in Utah. I got the class to make some posters to put around the school for some donations which would go to Crossroads food pantry. This service was beneficial to me because I was able to learn more about the amount of people that are left with no food to eat each day and the impact it has on families. I learned a lot about the struggles that these people face and even with the smallest donations given it really makes a difference. My project has encouraged me to continue to volunteer at non-profit organizations and to help my community as much as I can with what I have.