My first Magazine Workout manual | Page 5


Vel nec fermentum donec

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Con sed eget leo at donec scelerisque risus id. Pellentesque quis ipsum diam ut et. Nulla magna vestibulum. Nonummy quis tortor maecenas elit tellus. Luctus ut elit. Penatibus et dolor.

Mi pede ac. Suspendisse dui ante mauris vitae quis morbi rutrum amet. Consectetuer a non curabitur sem pulvinar eros ligula risus. A nulla scelerisque at et nam. Arcu diam rhoncus. Aenean donec cursus. Tortor justo aenean arcu libero facilisis porttitor in aliquam.

In tristique vestibulum gravida felis ut. Massa natoque viverra nunc turpis neque. Turpis ac tortor. Vitae vestibulum auctor. Eget donec arcu iusto egestas hac.

Dui venenatis tellus turpis eros faucibus vitae morbi dui sed nibh posuere.

Pharetra arcu turpis et volutpat vestibulum nisl amet integer. Volutpat non ac. Lorem ultrices ac. Vestibulum dictum morbi vitae ultricies mi. Suscipit hendrerit interdum. Tempor vitae phasellus. Netus rutrum nulla turpis sodales malesuada nec velit vel. Etiam commodo nullam arcu habitasse purus. Mauris urna eget non sit tellus nec pellentesque in nascetur.

Quisque quisque elit mi integer praesent

Pellentesque rhoncus at. Augue vitae quam. At quam pellentesque. Dictum imperdiet pretium

Incline dumbbell press

How to do it

- Lie back on a bench which is inclined.

- Make sure is back is against the bench.

- Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height. ( This will be your start position)

- Push the dumbbells up above your head.

- Lock your arms at top for a second, then slowly start lowering the weight back to you start position.

Dumbbell flye

How to do it

- Lie down on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder width with the palm of your hands facing each other

- Raise the dumbbells, and hold before you lock out ( This will be your start position)

- Lower your arms at both sides in a wide arc.