My first Magazine Smart Governance | Page 10

Smart Governance
Health Initiative


* V . Srinivas is an IAS offi cer of 1989 batch , presently serving as Deputy Director Administration , AIIMS New Delhi


The successful implementation of the AIIMS e-Hospital Project and the AIIMS OPD Transformation Project , transformed AIIMS to India ’ s first fully digital public hospital

Building strong Institutions is one of the major objectives of Good Governance . The Digital India initiative represents a landmark in ushering in the First Digital Revolution in Health Care at AIIMS . The successful implementation of the AIIMS e-Hospital Project and the AIIMS OPD Transformation Project , transformed AIIMS to India ’ s first fully digital public hospital . In 16 months of implementation since the launch in July 2015 , the

AIIMS e-Hospital project has had the largest footprint of Digital India projects . The creation of a patient friendly hospital has benefitted 35 lac patients till date , reducing wait times at the Hospital by nearly 6 hours , brought transparency to OPD appointments ; created digital medical records and represents a sustainable and replicable model for hundreds of India ’ s Hospitals .
The very name invokes images of crowds , a sea of humanity that is
November 2016 10 www . smartgovernance . in