My first Magazine Smart Governance | Page 11

present at the hospital doors , waiting from 3 in the morning , to rush for expert medical consultation at 8.30 am when the OPD opens . With an average of 10,000 OPD patients per day , 35 lac OPD patients per annum , 55 Departments , 640 faculty , 2000 resident doctors and 5100 Nurses , AIIMS represents India ’ s behemoth in tertiary care super specialty hospitals . While the Institute led by highly driven professionals works with clockwork precision , the overwhelming patient loads have proved impossibly challenging for a manual system and required significant systemic changes in terms of improved digital practices and process re-engineering , as millions of India ’ s population seeks medical care at the Nation ’ s apex Medical Sciences University .
AIIMS – UIDAI - DeiTY Collaboration : It was in January
2015 that the first step in the Digital AIIMS project was taken with the creation of an effective linkage between AIIMS , Unique Identification Authority of India ( UIDAI ) and the Department of Electronics and Information Technology ( DeiTY ). A unique health identification number for every patient visiting AIIMS was generated on an Aadhar platform . The patient could log into the AIIMS OPD Appointment System ( ORS . gov . in ) and submit a request for an appointment online using his Aadhar number . The verification of the demographic details of the Patient was based on the one-time password for the patient being transmitted to the mobile phone number of the patient registered in the Aadhar data base . The Unique Health Identification Number gave every Patient visiting AIIMS a Digital Identity . The Patient could use the UHID for his entire lifetime and every consultation visit was documented by the system .
November 2016 11 www . smartgovernance . in