My first Magazine Smart Governance | Page 9


India will have a patrol-less , multi-layered smart fence along its borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh by the later part of 2017 .

Border Security Force , BSF Director General K K Sharma yesterday said big global firms are undertaking a technical evaluation for the same .
Sharma said the force , after getting sanctions from the
Union Home Ministry , is working to implement a Comprehensive
Integrated Border Management System ( CIBMS ).
Under the system , the security of these two sensitive and difficult terrain borders will shift from the regular troops patrolling system to a quick reaction team pattern where guards strike once they notice a blip of infiltration on their surveillance radars .
In this regard few pilot projects are already on - two in Jammu and one each in Punjab and Gujarat . One project will be done in Assam ' s Dhubri ," Sharma said .
The DG explained once the CIBMS goes functional , aided by laser fence , surveillance radars , satellite imagery and thermal gadgets , the troops on ground will respond when there is an alarm of a infiltration bid in the multi-tier security ring comprising the regular fence and laser walls .
Huawei ' s BFSI solutions
Chinese Gear maker Huawei showcased its enterprise ICT solutions aimed at BFSI , smart cities , power and e-Governance segments , and said that newer technologies around digitalization are opening up new markets .
“ The digital economy is changing the way we work and live . New ICT technologies in the digitalization era are also optimizing business models and opening up new market opportunities ,” Ernest Zhang , President , Huawei Enterprise Business Group in Southeast Asia said . The products and services for sectors like BFSI , smart cities , power and e-Governance were on display that could potentially change the way these industry functions , the company in a statement said . Close to 1,000 partners , enterprise customers and industry experts across sectors participated in a two-day summit , organized by Huawei , to learn new technologies around cloud , Internet of Things ( IoT ) and Big Data . To help the business world seize new opportunities and address upcoming challenges , Huawei , according to Zhang remains committed to building a better-connected world and industry ecosystem relying on continuous innovations and open partnerships .
November 2016 9 www . smartgovernance . in