My first Magazine project proposal (with format) | Page 44

Posts in the MSc programme’s already existing social media accounts (Facebook ® , Instagram ® , Twitter ® ) E-mail notifications An official invitation will be sent to professionals working in partner universities and partner organisations. Partners will be asked to disperse the invitation in their respective networks. Live presentations The organising committee will perform live presentations to the active students of the MSc programme during the courses. These will include: Projection of the video produced in former versions of the seminar Powerpoint presentation with details about the seminar and photos Analog promotional material Analog A2 posters will be created and placed in popular posts of the Medical School of Athens and in some of the country’s hospitals. Promotional A5 brochures about the seminar will be distributed to active students of the MSc programme after the live presentations. Pens and stickers designed according to the seminar’s identity regulations will accompany the brochures. Promotional tools are going to be coherent with the identity developed and special concern will be taken to attribute the reciprocal provisions, as arranged with the sponsors. The goals in this promotional phase are to find and select suitable participants for the early registration posts and to spread the message about the intensive seminar to the broader scientific community. PHASE B - TARGETED COMMUNICATION This phase is included in the preparatory process of the seminar and will follow the first phase. During this phase, the audience will be more restricted and the following target groups have been identified: Active students of the MSc programme Alumni of the MSc programme Post-graduate students in partner universities Professionals working in partner organisations The same digital promotional tools will be utilised in this phase. Reminder posts and a second invitation will be sent to members of the target groups. A roll-up banner (coloured, 85cm x 200cm) will be designed according to the seminar’s identity and will be present in the preparatory workshop that will be delivered to the participants right before the seminar. The banner will carry a promotional message relevant to the seminar and will also include the sponsors’ logos. Also, every item belonging to the participants’ inventory (notebooks, backpacks, T-shirts, jockeys, water containers, lanyards & name tags), as well as the survival booklet, will be designed according to the developed identity for the seminar and will be distributed to participants. The goals in this promotional phase are to select suitable participants for the late registration posts and to attribute the reciprocal provisions, as arranged with the sponsors. 44